madonna n-word apology details - madonna n-word apology details

Madonna has done it again. With a li’l bitty Instagram post about her son where she dropped an n-bomb she’s made herself the center of a firestorm of drama. Nevermind the current hot topics that actually affect our world. We need to talk about Madonna dropping racial slurs.

Why on earth would a public figure like Madonna use the n-word? As famous as she is what would she have to gain by using such a socially divisive term like that? Because she’s a genius, that’s why. And she has plenty to gain.

1. This was a publicity stunt.

There is no master of manipulating the public better than Madonna. She may be getting on in years, but she knows exactly how to get all eyes on her. And this was nothing more than that. Remember when she tried to mess with folks talking about ‘molly’ aka the drug ecstacy?

2. She’s performing at The Grammys.

Did you care about seeing Madonna Performing at The Grammys before this broke? Probably not. Now, her performance is going to be ‘a thing.’ People will want to see how she addresses the scandal, if she does at all. Either way though, people will make it a priority to see her perform, even if they hate her. And that’s all that she cares about.