
According to karencivil.com when Jay-Z stated that there are “New Rules” to the industry he was not joking! In a cross promotion with Samsung, Jay-Z’s new album Magna Carta Holy Grail has already sold one million copies. The copies that were pre-sold were done so in order to distribute them via a mobile app on Samsung devices.

Originally Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) planned not to honor the early sale of the album with platinum status however RIAA has changed their opinion on granting Jay-Z another platinum selling album.

The RIAA says they are changing the policy because,

“We think it’s time for the RIAA and Gelfand, Rennert & Feldman to align digital song and album certification requirements. That’s why today we are officially updating this rule in our G&P Program requirements. The reality is that how fans consume music is changing, the music business is changing as labels and artist partner with a breathtaking array of new technology services, and the industry’s premier award recognizing artists’ commercial achievement should similarly keep pace.”

Just goes to show…never doubt the power Hov! If he can make that happen then there clearly isn’t a whole lot that he can not do! Incredible.

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