steve erhardt 54th plastic surgery botox implants tattoos aging - steve erhardt 54th plastic surgery botox implants tattoos aging

Steve Erhardt won’t reveal his age, but many reports put him in his early 50’s. Fitting since he’s about to undergo his 54th surgery. That’s right. Fifty-fourth. Surgery.

Most times you hear of people with that many knives under their belt they either survived a traumatic accident or are surgeons themselves. Steve Erhardt has deliberately chosen to undergo cosmetic procedures to reverse the appearance of age on his body.

Body dysmorphic much?

The 53 surgeries that Steve’s had don’t include botox, chemical peels or anything else that falls short of cutting him open. Steve is a hairdresser in Hollywood, California for a living. He must be a damned good one.

What doctor would be willing to carve up a human being for money to this extent? Dr. Nikolas V. Chugay would. He’s done most of Steve’s procedures and is the one consulting with him on his 54th.

Sigh. The hell is wrong with us?

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