
Hot stories around the web that you shouldn’t miss out on:

E-Cigarettes Cause Cancer And Are Just As Harmful As Regular Cigarettes
A new French study has found that electronic cigarettes contain carcinogenic chemicals, which arguably make them just as harmful as regular tobacco.

34 Surprising, Mind-Boggling Statistics You Probably Don’t Want To Know
Sometimes the more you know is more than you want to know.

A Man’s Guide To Undershirts: History, Styles, And Which To Wear
So, you’re all surely wondering, where’s the line between an “undershirt” and a “shirt you sometimes wear under other shirts,” and what are the options? Fear not. We’ve crammed all the essentials about undershirts into one short post for you.

8 Incredibly Dumb Answers People Have Clapped For On Family Feud
Good answer, good answer. Now let’s all just sit in our shame for a minute.

What High School Cliches Are Like on Facebook
How did that prom queen or jock in High School turn out? Well this is how they are like on FB now…

I Don’t Want My MTV Or Why You’re An Asshole For Watching The VMAs
It’s universally accepted that MTV is no longer looked to as an arbiter of musical talent and instead has become a cesspool of shitty programming that churns out turds such as Real World and Teen Mom, among MANY others…

Brooklyn Man Claims Jealous Cop Arrested Him For Being Sexy
A Brooklyn man suing the NYPD claims he was unjustly arrested by a jealous police officer who failed to match his sexiness.

Most Expensive Ferrari 458 Has $420K Worth Of Additional Modifications [Video]
The fact that the owner of this tricked out Ferrari 458 Italia could have purchased a whole new Ferrari for the price he paid to have it modified is actually pretty insane.

‘Breaking Bad’ + R. Kelly’s ‘Ignition’ = MAGIC [VIDEO]
Watch the magic!

Lil Wayne’s Sorry For Being An Awful Rapper, Vows Improvement
It looks like Lil Wayne has finally realized something fans have been aware of for a few years now: he sucks.