Over the weekend, Hennessy V.S teamed up with Under Armour Sportswear for the “Kicks & Grits” brunch in New Orleans during NBA All Star Weekend.

Hip Hop producer Mannie Fresh put his DJ’ing skills on display and had the crowd dancing the entire time. ESPN analyst, Chris Broussard was also spotted at the event taking photos with several fans and talking basketball statistics. Hennessy V.S also hosted the NBA All Star Music Jam Viewing Party last night in New Orleans. The guests in attendance enjoyed specialty Hennessy cocktails while watching the East pull out a huge win over the West team.
PHOTO CREDIT – Collins Metu

Viewing Party Guests
Hennessy's Rhonda Mcdonald and Mannie Fresh
Hennessy Girls
Chris Broussard - ESPN (middle tan coat)
Mannie Fresh
DJ Mannie Fresh

Hennessy V.S and Bleu Magazine held an exclusive dinner for Nick Cannon at STK in the meatpacking district of NYC earlier this week. The dinner was in celebration of Cannon’s successful career and longevity in the entertainment industry and to tout his new cover for Bleu Magazine’s March issue. The actor/comedian wore all white for the classy affair and spoke about the importance of uplifting and mentoring others. Cannon was joined by his longtime business associate Dorian Graham, Henry Polanco from Team Hennessy, as well as several close friends and colleagues. Guests were served Hennessy V.S cocktails, including “The Cannon” named in his honor.

PHOTO CREDIT – Shareif  Ziyadat

Hennessy Girls
Hennessy V.S
Hennessy V.S Hosts A Special Dinner With Nick Cannon
Hennessy V.S Hosts A Special Dinner With Nick Cannon
Hennessy V.S Hosts A Special Dinner With Nick Cannon
Nick Cannon and Bleu Mag cover
Hennessy V.S Hosts A Special Dinner With Nick Cannon
Nick Cannon Speaking at dinner
Hennessy V.S Hosts A Special Dinner With Nick Cannon
Hennessy V.S Hosts A Special Dinner With Nick Cannon