
Beyonce has always been calculated in her presentation towards the public.  From her glamorous image to the things she say in high profile interviews (where her team likely inquired what questions would be asked), Mrs. Carter has always seemed like the glass house that just wouldn’t break.  She smiles a polite smile, nods at a tik-tok pace, and appears rather aloof, but since her album 4 however, and the birth of her first born Blue Ivy, Beyonce has increasingly become more comfortable in actively participating in political events, and her efforts have appeared sincere.

In the spring of 2013 alone, she’s shared more than just her name to a cause, but her time and thoughts, which she’s also spread to her massive fanbase on Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr.In June, she headlined Gucci’s Chime for Change concert, an event to bring awareness to women’s rights worldwide. This push is crucial.  As of December 2012 the rate of gang rapes in countries like Brazil and India towards natives and tourists alike had became scarily worst than the last report of assault.  When more states integrated the acceptance of gay marriage into their laws, she showed support with a handwritten message of equality for everyone.  Even before the questionable verdict of “Non-Guilty,” for George Zimmerman, she was auxiliary to the #JusticeforTrayvonMartin campaign and has continued to be supportive by appearing at rallies and posting on her IG that has 5 million+ followers. And with the  news of Detroit as a city filing for bankruptcy, at her concert there just days after, she sang, in tribute to better days, Sam Cooke’s socially conscious classic “A Change is Gonna Come.”

While some celebrities have been aggressively vocal since their fame about whatever was on their mind,  Beyonce always appeared like a butterfly in a jar.  Beautiful to look at, with possibly with so much to offer than to just entertain and amuse us. Thankfully, whatever has influenced Beyonce greatly to be more loud and proud about the causes that matter to her, she’s displayed this with great vigor while still being herself.

The presence of the everyday people remains the most powerful tool towards social change, there’s no denying the added clout of an previously known voice regarding a charitable circumstance.  It’s all the more interesting when Beyonce once the beautiful, quiet type has become the beautiful, elegantly opinionated type for her #Beyhive to look up to.

Who “Run the World?”

–C. Shardae Jobson (@lavishrebellion)