Are Dairy Products Destroying Your Health? (Part 1)

By Charles Fisher and Randy Fisher @HHSYC

Milk1ObamaCare continues to be the talk of the town and as we approach another Holiday season we need to watch our weight and what we eat.  For years we have seen the Dairy and Meat industries push their products in order to maximize their profits.  Because our lives are on “Speed Dial” each and every day we really don’t have the time to assess whether they are telling the truth about the safety of their products.  We rely on the government for the truth, but why are those that don’t trust the government counting on the FDA to give you the facts about what you eat?  Would you trust a stranger or a “Drug Cartel” if they told you that “Cocaine and Heroin” was great for your health?  Why would all those anti-government groups out there like the “Tea Party” trust the Government and the FDA with the facts about food companies that may be selling more poison than the local drug dealer?  Rule #1: When it comes to your health and your family you should trust NO ONE.

The FDA is mad busy and doesn’t have the time and resources to give you the real facts and if you really cared about your health you would do your own independent study to assess what they really are.  What we will attempt to do with this series is give you some insight as to how the Dairy industry could be the cause of rising healthcare costs and the quality of your health.  Have you ever woke up and felt bad and did not know why?  Or went to the doctor and he could not tell you what was wrong?  Well it is time for you to stop relying on others to assess what is going on with your health.  Wake up America, and take control of your life.

Are you aware that the Food & Drug Administration had approved the use of a genetically engineered hormone called “recombinant bovine growth hormone” (rBGH).  The alleged purpose of the hormone, a $500 million investment on the part of our good friends over at the Monsanto Company, is to increase a cow’s milk output.   Considering the glut of milk for the past decade, economic justification for using rBGH remains a mystery.

Milk2Injecting hapless cows with a growth hormone that humans will later consume is a problem for us because playing with Mother Nature cannot lead to anything good.  This cold-blooded exploitation, invariably for economic gain, brings suffering and disease.  The question is how is the drug affecting your heath or does anyone care?

We will now touch on some of the dangers of milk so that you can become more aware of what you are buying from the story and putting in your precious body.

All dairy products contain milk proteins, including skim milk, yogurt, cheese, and butter, and many butter substitutes.  Milk proteins are listed in packaged food products with a variety of names such as milk solids, skim milk powder, casein, caseinates, whey and albumin.  Milk is also often put into packaged foods and not declared on the label – this is illegal and punishable by FDA action.


Here is a list of diseases caused by or linked to Dairy Proteins:

Loss of appetite, growth retardation. Upper Gastrointestinal: Canker sores  (aphthous stomatitis), irritation of tongue, lips and mouth, tonsil enlargement, vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), Sandifer’s syndrome, peptic ulcer  disease, colic, stomach cramps, abdominal distention, intestinal obstruction,  type-1 diabetes. Lower Gastrointestinal: Bloody stools, colitis, malabsorption, diarrhea, painful defecation, fecal soiling, infantile colic, chronic constipation, infantile food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis. Respiratory: Nasal stuffiness, runny nose, otitis media (inner ear trouble), sinusitis, wheezing, asthma, and pulmonary infiltrates.


Bone and joint: Rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Beheta’s disease, (possibly psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing  spondylitis). Skin: Rashes, atopic dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, hives (urticaria) Nervous System (Behavioral): Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, autism, schizophrenia, irritability, restlessness, hyperactivity, headache, lethargy, fatigue, “allergic-tension fatigue syndrome,” muscle pain, mental depression, enuresis (bed-wetting). Blood: Abnormal blood clotting, iron deficiency anemia, low serum proteins, thrombocytopenia, and eosinophilia. Other: Nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, anaphylactic shock and death, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS or crib or cot death), injury to the arteries causing arteritis, and eventually, atherosclerosis.  References are available through the National Library of Medicine, – Search cow’s milk and any of the diseases listed above.

Please look out for Part 2 of this story.  For more info hit us up at
