
Humans rights activist, Chokwe Lumuba died yesterday at the age of 66.  On Tuesday February 25, 2014 the major of Mississippi died with cause of death still unknown. Chokwe Lumuba changed his name in his 20′s in 1969, a move he made to show support to African’s independence. He was born Edwin Taliaferro, he changed his first name to represent an African tribe which resisted slavery for centuries. The last name came from an African independence leader Patrice Lumumba. During the 1970′s and 1980′s, he was involved with the Republic New Afrika, which advocated a predominately black government.

Chokwe had went to law school in Michigan, which led him to represent  rapper Tupac Shakur in the mid nineties. Tupac had been charged with aggravated assault with the shooting of two off duty officers that were wounded. Tupac had been cleared of the charges, later dying in 1996.

In order to improve Mississippi’s depleting infrastructure, Chokwe had the city voters agree on a 1 cent local sales tax. Improvements were to help poor roads and old sewer systems. He had accomplished this serving only one term in City Council.

United States representative Bennie Thompson found Chokwe to be an extremely bright, caring and humble individual.



Tiy Hampton