alex rodriguez

The MLB throws the book at Alex Rodriguez

Today the MLB flexed it’s muscles in regards to PED’s and the Biogenesis scandal with 13 suspensions. All but one got 50 game suspensions and that man is Alex Rodriguez. Alex Rodriguez who has been the most high-profile player in this whole investigation has been hit with the lengthiest ban. That suspension is the grand total of 211-games because of Rodriguez’s PED use plus his attempt to obstruct the MLB’s investigation.

Here is the MLB’s statement;

Rodriguez’s discipline under the Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program is based on his use and possession of numerous forms of prohibited performance-enhancing substances, including Testosterone and human Growth Hormone, over the course of multiple years. Rodriguez’s discipline under the Basic Agreement is for attempting to cover-up his violations of the Program by engaging in a course of conduct intended to obstruct and frustrate the Office of the Commissioner’s investigation. The suspension, which will become effective on Thursday, August 8th, will cover 211 Championship Season games and any 2013 Postseason games in which Rodriguez otherwise would have been eligible to play.

Under the terms of the Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program, Rodriguez’s suspension will be stayed until the completion of his appeal if Rodriguez files a grievance challenging his discipline.

Rodriguez does plan to appeal his ban and will be allowed to play during the appeal process. That is actually good news for the Yankees who are looking to make a run in to the playoffs. Rodriguez’s appeal won’t be heard/ruled upon until the end of the season so he can play the rest of the season.

Even at 38-year’s old Alex Rodriguez’s bat could bring some life to the Yankees’ lineup. Rodriguez will be on the field tonight for the Yankee’s matchup with the Chicago White Sox.

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)

Source – MLB