
Bey’s pops can’t seem to win.

Though he raked in millions during the time he managed his daughter’s career, he failed to pay Uncle Sam during 2010 and 2011. The IRS recently hit him with a huge bill.

During 2010, he owed $485,575.95 and in 2011, $728,004.89, totaling $1,213,580.84 of debt. According to TMZ, he failed to pay taxes on all that paper.

Though he no longer manages Bey’s career, he was at the time and as we know, Bey is one of the highest paid acts in the industry.

Knowles isn’t the first to face tax issues and definitely won’t be the last. News surfaced recently about Lauryn Hill’s tax debt. Because of her failure to pay, she was sentenced to a 3-month jail sentence, which begins on July 8th.

Hopefully Mathew Knowles will pay this debt off before it gets to that point.