nadrwuar, vic mensa, innanetape, interview, human serviette

Nardwuar the Human Serviette, a.k.a. entertainment’s top interviewer, has linked with up and coming Chicago emcee Vic Mensa for a new interview at SXSW. Watch below as the two take on topics of all ranges and Vic gets a taste of the “How the hell did you know that?” vibe from Nardwuar. Per usual, it’s hilarious, awkward, and always original. Still riding the successful wave of his debut tape, Innanetape, Vic is quickly becoming known as one of the top youthful lyricists in Hip Hop.

The two speak on Chicago’s scene, Vic’s come up and more. You’re not famous until Nardwuar interviews you; not only do you take on the Q&A, but the man does more research on his interviewees than the Fed’s.

Matt Whitlock – @mattwhitlockPM