Charles Fisher Appointed to Chair the Nassau County Film & Youth Advisory Initiative Created to Use the Skills, Talent and Buying Power of Young Residents to Expand the County’s 140 Million Dollar Film & Television Industry
The Initiative will also work with the County’s Youth Board to Create and Enhance Programs That Service Youth and Young Adults With A Focus On Afterschool Programs, Recreation, Education, Obesity, Training, Substance Abuse and Public Safety
Story by Randy Fisher @HHSYC
In an effort to provide more opportunities for young people in Nassau County’s 140 million dollar growing Film and Television Industry County Executive Edward Mangano has tapped Charles Fisher, Founder of the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council and the former manager of Music, Film and Television star LL Cool J, to head up the Nassau County Film and Youth Advisory initiative. Young citizens 14-26 from the 2 cities, 3 towns, 64 incorporated villages, and more than 60 unincorporated hamlets will represent the initiative providing young people with a real voice in government.

Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, Sheila D. Elliott, Dr. Phillip Elliott, Charles Fisher, Randy Fisher.
Photo by Mary Dannebaum.
The Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council has received praises and Proclamations for their outstanding work with youth and their projects to end gun and gang violence from NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the NYC Council, the NYS Senate and Governor Cuomo. Charles also worked as an “Entertainment Consultant” for the White House, helping former President Bill Clinton launch the AmeriCorps program. He will bring his 35 years of working with youth and young adults worldwide to the County with the task of finding new opportunities to help young residents graduate from school and succeed in life. He will also focus on residents that are at-risk, disconnected, or just retuning from prison with the challenge of helping them to become productive law-abiding tax-paying residents. Charles will work with Dr. Phillip Elliott, Deputy Commissioner of Minority Affairs, to ensure the success of the initiative.
Stated Charles Fisher “I want to thank County Executive Managno for giving me this huge opportunity to chair the Nassau County Film and Youth Advisory Council created to help bring programs, resources and new ideas to help the County’s youth and young adults succeed. We have been working together for about 4 years now and I am truly honored to take on this monumental task. I will do my best to uplift those looking for ways to hone their academic, technical and vocational skills so they can compete in a new global economy. I will work with the Nassau County Youth Board to bring successful projects that we created and/or managed in NYC to the young citizens of the County.”

Randy Fisher, Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, Charles Fisher, Nassau County Police Commissioner Tom Dale.
Photo by Mike Tamborrino.
“It is my intent to use my contacts in the Film, Television and Music industry to offer young inspiring residents a chance to find employment or market their talent and skills to the world. We will reach out to each school district along with colleges, youth centers and communities that are affected by crime, drugs, gun and gang violence to help them turn those neighborhoods around. Nassau is the 12th richest County in America and the wealthiest in NYS and to remain a leader they must reach out to young residents and help them develop into the business and political leaders of the future. We have had a lot of success in New York and I know we can do the same for the youth and young adults representing the County’s 1.3 million residents,” stated Fisher.
Said County Executive Edward Mangano “I have a lot of confidence in Charles and his ability to help Nassau County’s young residents succeed. I applaud him for all his efforts over the last few years to help cut crime in the County through his Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence Project; help in the marketing and growth of our 140 million dollar film industry; and offer programs and services that help troubled teens find their path in life,” ended CE Edward Mangano.