August-AlsinaNew Orleans R&B king and vivid storyteller, August Alsina, recruits Brooklyn’s Fabolous for the get dough anthem. Over the Dun Deal and Spinz-produced, “Get Ya’ Money,” Aslina and Fab salute female hustlers as Aslina sings:

And, I know how it is to hit the block and get that gwop/And, you know what it is to hit the stage and make it pop/like damn I hope somebody spend some money today.

The second verse finds August using the overused single-mother stripping for tuition theme. Going with the cliche theme makes “Get Ya’ Money”  just an average song.

The Def Jam‘s signee debut album, Testimony, is slated for an April 15th release.

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Darryl Robertson (@darryl_robertson)