brian williams nuthin but a g thang dr dre snoop dogg news anchor - brian williams nuthin but a g thang dr dre snoop dogg news anchor

Brian Williams is the anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News. In 2007 he was listed as one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People In The World. He is all this, and, apparently, he can take a joke.

Jimmy Fallon is the host of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon and regularly does a bit called ‘Slow-Jammin The News,’ a segment where they take a hot political topic and perform it in the form of a laid back R&B song. Brian Williams not only performed his typical stodgy news guy persona but also deadpanned a couple hilarious lines.

However, a rapper he is not. So Fallon took it upon himself to have pieces of Brian Williams’ video footage edited to sound like he’s rapping Snoop Dogg’s verse on ‘Nuthin’ But A G Thang.’ Whoever cut this is nothing short of a magician.

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