nfldunnks banned

Football season might be over, but it doesn’t stop the heads of the NFL to take away more fun from the league. It was announced the NFL has banned goal post dunks after a touchdown.  The ruling could be due to New Orleans tight end Saints’ Jimmy Graham, where he caused two game delays. Most recently, during a game last season against the Atlanta Falcons Graham threw down a monster post touchdown dunk which shifted the goal post and delayed the game for a few minutes.

According to the NFL, the “dunking the ball over the crossbar will now be considered a foul along with other touchdown celebrations that involve props.” Celebrations after touchdowns were banned a few seasons ago but the NFL allowed the goal post dunk along with Lambeau Leap because they weren’t considered over excessive celebrations. Issuing the new rule stating, “Using the ball as a prop or any object as a prop, whether that’s the goalpost, the crossbar, that will come out and that will be a foul next season.”

The ruling will surely effect Graham since he’s caught more touchdowns than any other player in the NFL in the past three seasons (36 to be exact.)  He dunking after touchdowns has become the tight ends trademark celebration, keeping his basketball roots alive as he once played basketball at the University of Miami.

After the news was announced Graham tweeted (which since has been deleted) “I guess I’ll have to lead the @nfl in penalties next year!” Most players are see the move as the NFL using it’s power to take away fun from the players and act more like robots on the field. The dunks will be banned but be sure of it we will still see the celebration on occasions, more likely during blowouts when a penalty or foul being called will not  affect the game or outcome on the field.