skittles trayvonThe Trayvon Martin tragedy caused Americans across the nation to question Stand Your Ground, the self-defense law that is currently legal in 16 states across the nation. Various groups are working to speak out against the law and an ad supporting the efforts has gone viral where participants reenacted and used actual audio from the Trayvon Martin trial.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) is a non-profit group that is currently working to encourage certain states to “oppose this immoral legislation.” In the commercial, parts of the actual 911 calls of Zimmerman and witnesses are used during the reenactment.  Towards the end of the ad the camera pans out showing different gun violence victims dressed in hoodies and the name of states with Stand Your Ground laws flashes over each body.

Check out the ad below and if you want to assist the CSGV with their fight against gun violence sign their petition on their website here: (

Written By Dru Ashe (@ShottaDru)