How many students can say they’ve been accepted into all eight Ivy League Universities?, The SourceMany teenagers have applied for acceptance to Ivy League universities, but not all are able to boast about actually being accepted into one. 17-year-old William Floyd High School senior Kwasi Enin is of those who can say that he has. Not only has Enin been accepted into ONE Ivy League university, but he has been accepted into all eight of them.

That’s right — Enin has received acceptance letters from Brown, Columbia, Harvard, Cornell, Dartmouth, Yale, Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania.

In an interview with Newsday, Enin expressed how he never imagined he’d be accepted into all eight Ivy League universities.

The yesses kept coming,” said Enin, who aspires to be a physician.

Having scored 2,250 out of 2,400 on the SAT, Enin was automatically placed in the 99th percentile for those taking the standardized test. According to USA Today, Enin first entertained the idea of applying to all eight of the schools when he was in the 10th or 11th grade, stating that they all had qualities he liked.

In addition to the eight Ivy League schools Enin was accepted into, he was also accepted into Duke and three State University of New York schools.

Though he is leaning toward Yale, Enin has not yet decided which school he will be attending in the fall.

– Antionette Latrese (@_ALatrese)