Look at that face. It’s cherubic. Soft. Innocent. He looks like a grown baby.
But if ever a pope could be called badass, Pope Francis is that guy. In recent history no pope has been more outspoken and anti-status quo within the Catholic church as much as he has.
Just the other day he was telling a story from his days as a bouncer (dude was a bouncer?!) and he did not censor his recollections at all, despite the presence of a conversational f-bomb (fast forward to eleven seconds in).
Pope Francis doesn’t just talk though. He does. There’s a reason he was made Time Magazine’s Person Of The Year for 2013. Several reasons in fact. And he’s only just getting started.
Pope washes feet of prisoners
Pope drops protective shield from popemobile
Pope says he has no problem with gay priests
Pope admonishes the greed of society through income inequality…
…Then suspends German ‘Bishop Of Bling’