New high-line in Queens! central-park1Fans of Chelsea’s High-Line will be thrilled to know that a similar feature will soon be joining, as architects & urban planners begin start up detailing for The QueensWay.  A 3.5 mile section of land that will soon be turned into one of the amazing elevated parks.

An abandoned set of railroad tracks that has been inactive since 1962 is said to soon serve over 250,000 residents living close to the new attraction. The project will take a total of ten months to develop, with developers putting special emphasis on environmental friendly aspects.

Spearheaded by non profit Trust for Public Land, 100 architects competed for the chance to design one corner of the parkway. Ideas ranged from a public market below the tracks, to a kitchen garden and even concert space. Residents are becoming excited for the possibility of turning their quaint community into a huge New York metropolitan area attraction.

Keep a look out for developments in the QueensWay project!


lauren poe (@lo4o4_)