Some people are really serious about getting receipts, like, “I’ma burn this motha down” serious. A Fort Lauderdale cashier working at Dunkin’ Donuts faced this dilemma head on when an irate customer came in the day after purchasing something at Dunkin’ Donuts and failed to get a receipt.

Taylor Chapman alleges that a Dunkin Donuts employee who assisted her the previous night failed to give her a receipt, which, based on Dunkin’ Donuts’ protocol, entitled her to a free purchase. The employee, however, refused to refund her money and was allegedly very rude to Chapman. What that has to do with 18-year-old Abid Adar, the innocent employee stuck enduring her rant, we’re unsure, but Chapman clearly needed someone to shit on. The 27-year-old asshole went on to record her tirade, which eventually turned racial when Chapman referred to the employee from the previous night as a “sand n****r.”  Le sigh.

Surprisingly, Adar was able to keep his cool throughout the whole situation and handled Chapman’s no good ass with class. Dunkin’ Donuts went on to publicly recognize the employee and claims they have, “reached out to the crew member to express and demonstrate his personal appreciation.”

This kid needs to teach private lessons on patience and self-restraint. Kudos to him.

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