Speak on it.

Actress Rashida Jones (daughter of iconic music producer Mr. Quincy Jones) writes about the current state of young girls being extremely provocative today and asks the question why is everyone getting naked? Back in November, she took to her Twitter and sparked a series of tweets about her opinion on young Hollywood and pop stars.

She wrote an article for Glamour Magazine entitled, “The Pornification Of Everything,” she calls out these celebrities and how they don’t consider themselves as role models.

Here is a snippet of the article, that has raised a lot of eyebrows:

This fall I was hanging out with my sisters, catching up on pop-culture stuff. We watched some music videos, looked at a few Instagram accounts, and checked out blogs. And amid the usual duck-lipped selfies and staged paparazzi photos, a theme emerged: Stripper poles, G-strings, boobs, and a lot of tongue action were all now normal accessories for mainstream pop stars. Across the board the Instamessage seemed to be: “You know you want to have sex with me. Here, take a look at lots of parts of my body.”

That was at the end of October, a month that had already brought us the Miley Cyrus cross-continental twerk-a-thon and Nicki Minaj’s Halloween pasties. With the addition of Rihanna writhing on a pole in her “Pour It Up” video, and Lady Gaga’s butt-crack cover art for the song that goes “Do what you want with my body,” I was just done. I’d had enough.

I don’t know when the pornification of pop stars became so extreme, but as Robin Thicke‘s “Blurred Lines” video played in the background—naked fantasy women bouncing around and licking things—I realized that the lines were not really blurry at all. They were clear. A new era had arrived.

If 1994 was the Year of O.J.’s White Bronco, 2013 was the Year of the Very Visible Vagina. Twenty years later, all the images seem homogenous. Every star interprets “sexy” the same way: lots of skin, lots of licking of teeth, lots of bending over. I find this oddly…boring. Can’t I just like a song without having to take an ultrasound tour of some pop star’s privates?

She received a lot of backlash for her tweets and the article because she spoke out against young girls being over sexualized and here what she said about the backlash:

“I’m not gonna lie. The fact that I was accused of “slut-shaming.” being anti-woman, and judging women’s sex lives crushed me. I considered myself a feminist. I would never point a finger at a woman for her actual sexual behavior, and I think all women have the right to express their desires. But I will look at a women with influence-millionaire women who use their “sexiness” to make money-and ask some questions. There is a difference, a key one, between “shaming” and “holding someone accountable.”

Check out the rest of the article here and let us know your thoughts!  http://www.glamour.com/entertainment/2013/12/rashida-jones-major-dont-the-pornification-of-everything 

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)