
You know the world’s going to sh*t when kids start robbing other kids’ at gunpoint.

Police say a 12-year-old boy used a BB gun to rob a 10-year old who was running a lemonade stand (A FREAKIN’ LEMONADE STAND!) in Johnstown, PA. The 12-year-old approached the younger boy with his BB gun in his pocket and threatened him to hand over the money. To his surprise, the youngin’ refused to go down without a fight and the two began wrestling over the money box — containing $30 — before the 12-year-old managed to run off with the cash.

Three other neighborhood kids chased the boy home and eventually helped authorities track him down. The little twerp is expected to be charged in juvenile court.

“Now if the 10-year-old had a BB gun, he wouldn’t have lost his money,” said some right-wing nutcase. #notreallybutthatsprobablywhatsomeoneisthinking

Side note — that 10-year-old was making bank off that lemonade stand, amirite? I remember making a $4.00 profit ($.25 a cup) for the day and thinking I was caking it.