Schoolboy Q CONAN Insert

Schoolboy Q’s debut album Oxymoron finally hit stores yesterday after months of promotional hype and critical anticipation.

As a part of his day-of press run, the TDE rapper stopped by TBS’ late night show CONAN with BJ The Chicago Kid to perform their collaborative effort entitled “Studio”.

The two were [obviously] introduced by Conan O’Brien himself, who was still sporting an early 1900′s top hat and monocle – a strange man to say the least.

The album, which you can purchase via iTunes here, is a strong project comprised of 15 tracks that we’ll officially review in the near future – so keep it locked for that. For now, watch the duo perform the smooth tune below.

Schoolboy Q “Studio” 02/25/14

– Scott Randell (@DefinedByMvsic)