NickKnight_SkyFerreira01Fashion wouldn’t be the same without Nick Knight. A graduate of Bournemouth Art College, his earliest images are of Skinheads some of his latest are of Kanye West. After struggling with Math, Chemistry and Physics Nick turned towards what he found enjoyable. Photography.

On Photography (From Langford’s Basic Photography, 8th edition)

“It’s been everything to me, the electricity in my life, the way to communicate with people, to fall in love, to vent my displeasure at the world, to articulate every fibre of my feeling. Photographing has allowed me to express all of this and to make some sense of it.”

“Visual imagery is a very powerful medium of expression and some image-makers are guilty of firing it recklessly, like a gun, without looking at the impact of what they are doing. In a culture that can be so rich, we are so poor with our imagery.”
