The essentials for a man: a great barber, a quality woman and an outstanding sneaker connect. In the world of sneaker collecting, anyone who can provide a whopping 40% off your Air Jordan’s becomes as important as the air one breathes. Thus Far 2014 has been quite amazing year for brands like Nike, Adidas and New Balance as their recent releases drive the internet crazy and create a line so long at NikeTown that it wraps around the block, twice. Okay maybe not twice but you catch my drift. With so many choices how does one pick ? The highly anticipated Yeezy II Red Octobers won’t even reach the shelves and are expected to have an eBay ticket of $5.000 Which for most people becomes equivalent to three tax returns, one night job and a whole lot of coin saving. To help you with your sneaker desires, here goes a list of the Top 10 sneaker pick ups for 2014, thus far.
-Devin Cobbs