Stevie J, Steven Jordan, Love and Hip Hop, L&HH, Atlanta, child support, project child support, subpoena, courtStevie J has been served with a subpoena over the million dollars he owes in child support.

Project Child Support served VH1’s Love & Hip Hop star, Steven A. Jordan aka Stevie J, with a petition from the Family Court of New York State.

Stevie J still hasn’t paid up on his court ordered support payments to ex fiancee Carol Bennett; he currently owes over a million dollars.

Project Child Support forcibly seized partial payments from the producer’s bank accounts last year, but the seizures amount to nowhere near the million plus that Jordan owes.

Despite the story hitting the media in October 2013, Stevie J has refused to cooperate with Project Child Support.

Jordan refused offers to contact Project Child Support to enter into any kind of payment agreement and even told me to tell his ex fiancee “God bless her” when I reached out to him for comment last year.

Said Project Child Support’s founder, Kai D. Patterson:

“Our investigative efforts have uncovered multiple addresses for Stevie J, in the states of New York, Georgia, Florida, and California. We decided it was easier to serve him the Petition for the Violation of a Support Order and court appearance at his new restaurant. This subpoena requires Stevie J’s appearance or an arrest warrant can be issued by the State of New York. This is not a joke! Since the release of this story in October of last year, Mr. Jordan has not taken any serious steps to satisfy his unpaid child support obligation with our client, instead stories have been released that have alleged this obligation was paid. Make no mistake; this obligation has not been paid, but increases at the rate of $8550 per month. We are going to take every step to ensure this obligation is satisfied, even if it means petitioning the court seize his television, and music royalties, as well as his earnings generated from his new restaurant.”

In the past, Stevie J has been less than forthcoming with his finances.

In 2007, Stevie J had $35.53 garnished from his wages, for the entire year, to support two children. Yet his reported income for that year was $54,763.

In 2009, $5,035.64 was paid involuntarily through child support.  Stevie J’s alleged income reported for the year? $0.

Stevie J is due in court February 25, 2014 at the 60 Lafayette Street on the 4th floor/Room PT20 in Manhattan, New York at 10:00 am.

During the hearing, he must provide the court with proof of income and assets including a recent pay stub, W-2 wage and tax documents with most recent filed federal and state income tax returns and may be required to present and past income tax returns; receipts; business; corporate and partnership books and records; employment statements; proof of health insurance; and other measurements of verification as the court determines which is stated on court documents.

Failure to appear may result with an arrest warrant for the entertainer.


Check out the subpoena below:

Stevie J, subpoena, child support, Project Child Support, Kai D. Patterson


April Dawn (@scarlettsinatra)