Posted by Charles Fisher and Randy Fisher (Twitter @HHSYC)
This Sunday 2/9/14 on HOT 97 Street Soldiers with Lisa Evers, we’re talking about: “INSTANT HOOKUPS VS. TRUE LOVE: Has social media doomed real relationships?
This Sunday, 2/9/14 on HOT 97 Street Soldiers with Lisa Evers, we’re talking a
“INSTANT HOOKUPS VS. TRUE LOVE: Has social media doomed real relationships?”
There are apps for meeting potential partners so that you don’t even have to set up a date in advance to meet them. There are all kinds of ways to find out about someone you’re interested in before you meet them in person. We’ve all heard the stories about people being busted because of pictures they post with their side guy or side girl and a long term relationship or marriage crashes. On the opposite side of this debate, there are more opportunities to meet potential partners because of online dating sites and social media. Thousands of people have found their boyfriend or husband, girlfriend or wife through these methods.
With Valentine’s Day coming up, we’re asking if real love is in a state of emergency? What are the new rules, if there are any?
We’re looking for the following guests:
1) A man who uses social media and/or dating apps to meet women, and is seeing several women at the same time.
2) A woman who can talk about what it’s like to meet men on line, and has stories about it.
3) A male relationship coach who can talk about dating disasters and success stories.
4) A female relationship coach who can talk about the same from a woman’s perspective.
5) A strong advocate of abstinence and waiting until you get married to have sex, or someone who has gone through a lot and is now a “born again” virgin and can tell us the reasons why.
If you fit the description and would like to come on the show, or would like to recommend someone for the topic, please reach out to me ASAP via EMAIL: and I will send you more details. And TUNE into Hot 97 Street Soldiers Every Sunday 9am – 10am
or call us LIVE 1.800.223.9797
About: Hot 97FM Street Soldiers:
About Lisa Evers:
Reporter, FOX 5 News
Host, HOT 97
Twitter: @lisaevers
Instagram: lisaeverslive
Facebook: Street Soldiers Facebook
Tone C. – Executive Producer Email:
A’ngelique Tyree – Associate Producer
Dominican Drew – Production Supervisor
TJ – Board Op/Tech Expert Amber Ravenel – Studio Assistant / Phones