Artwork by: Nick Williams
We’re back with this week’s selections for Support Your Local Rapper. We had some great responses from last week’s post and would love to see more discussion going on regarding who I chose, as well as who I may have missed out on. Remember, if you’re chosen this is your chance to promote yourself to no end. Tweet this post. Instagram this post. Facebook this post. Put it up on Google Wave!
And anyone still trying to get their project considered for SYLR, please email the following information to SYLR@thesource.com:
Where you’re representing
Short bio
Link to your project (do not attach any music)
The project can’t be older than 30 days from the day you submit it. And please, no singles or videos.
Also, I want to apologize for anyone who tried sending his/her project early last week, shortly after the first SYLR post went up. We had some issues with the email address so we weren’t able to receive any submissions. But we took care of it and we’re good to go.
Here are this week’s recipients of the SYLR feature:
West: Nike G4 – Roll The Dice
Midwest: Add-2 – More Missed Calls
South: Scotty ATL – Faith
East: Trips N Slim – The Preface
Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)