SWV-The Source Beauty is Pain!

Last week, on the premiere episode of SWV Reunited, the r&b group SWV are reunited after 15 years and are determined to work out their problems and get passed what separated them.

They performed at the Wembley Arena in London and performed some of their greatest hit. During the show Coko is hit with some devastating news that she might have breast cancer but keeps it under wraps.

This week, Coko gets a phone call from her doctor and she finds out that luckily she does not have breast cancer. The group has a performance set at SOB’s but before they could go to their hometown of NY, Coko and Lelee end up getting surgery one week before their performance.

The group arrive in NY and have plans to meet with a new manager, Jeff Robinson (who has managed Alicia Keys and Elle Varner) but have yet to tell their current manager, Cory, that they don’t want him as a manager but as a road manager.

What they didn’t tell Jeff is that they are still signed to their label, Mass Appeal Entertainment but are trying to get out of their contract and they ended up calling their lawyer. The lawyer gives them good news that they could get out of their deal.

Taj told Lelee that she arrange a date between her and radio and tv personality Charlamagne Tha God. She accepts it and while on the date, Charlamagne calls her “vintage vagina” instead of old in which she likes.  They went out for dinner and rode in a horse & carriage around New York.

While prepping for their performance, Coko is still in a lot of pain from her tummy tuck surgery but in true diva form, she manages to kill her performance of “Weak.” After the performance, they still had to tell Cory the bad news about management. Cory learns of this news and of course isn’t happy about it and starts throwing shade at the group.

Tune in every Thursday at 10 pm on WE TV to see what is next for SWV!

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)