T.I. assures that slain rapper’s dream will live on

TI_DoeBA homegoing service for the late Grand Hustle recording artist Doe B was held yesterday at the True Divine Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL. In attendance to pay his respects to his 22-year-old protégé, mentor T.I. took to the podium to ensure friends and family that his dear friend will live on through memory.

I’m up here to celebrate the life of a young man, whose craft… whose path I crossed, I’ll say about a little over a year ago,” he began as he reminisced on how the two met. “I admired Doe because… at the age that he was, he always presented himself to be more mature…” he went on to add.

Bringing his sincere speech to a close, he ended by reassuring that Doe B’s work will never go to waste and that his dream will indeed live on.

Check out the footage below.

– Antionette Latrese (@_ALatrese)

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