Documentary ‘Hidden Colors 2′hidden colors 2 unveils black history

This week, I got the opportunity to see the second installment of the Hidden Colors documentary. I thought that the first one couldn’t be top, but I was definitely proven wrong. I have to commend Tariq Nasheed on delivering such an enlightening product to our people. This documentary TRULY opened my eyes to the power of our race. We, as a people, spend so much time focusing on the negatives that are present in our community that we never appreciate all the positives that we’ve contributed to society. We are a powerful, envied, and mysterious race and I love it. I digress. The documentary discusses the untold story of Black history and how most of OUR history has been whitewashed and erased.

The documentary is broken up into different chapters that delve into problems that our people face such as prison industry warfare, economic warfare, medical warfare, and broader topics such as what parts of our history have been replaced with white people or images. It’s a pretty amazing and revealing documentary. I wish that it could be shown in schools so that young kids growing up knew our history and ancestry. Do your research, folks! Whether you realize it or not, we built this country and were the first inhabitants of this land. That says a lot. EVERYBODY: DO YOUR BEST TO FIND, BUY, AND WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY! Support your own. I will say that the documentary IS lengthy, but it’s WELL worth the watch! Stay tuned for the Hidden Colors 3 installment that’s Hidden Colors 3 Teaser coming soon!