Being mesmerized by certain video games means no time to spend with your girlfriend, right? Well, maybe if you’re lucky and had a great one like these chicks down below who would love to buy Grand Theft Auto V for their boyfriends… if they had one.
Lmfao if I had a real boyfriend, I would buy myself GTA V and have him come over and play it
ملکه خدایان (@BrionnRenee) September 16, 2013
if I had a boyfriend I'd spoil him with gta v but no I don't have one so sucks—
Amanda Nguyen (@amandaanguyenn) September 16, 2013
Maybe if I go up to some hot guy i don't know and give him gta v it will force him to be my boyfriend wow smart right—
Hails(@InauspiciousMe) September 16, 2013
See if I had a boyfriend I would buy him GTA V as a present… but I don't. So guys, your freaking loss.—
tori(@Tori_No3ll3) September 16, 2013
If you were my boyfriend i would buy you GTA V but nobody wants me
✞▲ (@beatriz_cx) September 16, 2013
If I had a boyfriend I would be at the midnight launch for GTA V with them and stay up all night playing it—
Muh'd dangida (@Muhammeddangida) September 15, 2013
I'd buy my boyfriend GTA V if i had one ..
seriously tho—
ℵeeno † (@yvngneeno) September 16, 2013
If I had a boyfriend I'll buy him GTA V just cause I love him that exchange wouldn't be needed nbs—
that short girl(@Dazshaaaa_) September 16, 2013
Only If I had a boyfriend so I can buy him GTA V. Oh man—
لوجان (@asure_aynedh) September 16, 2013
And this guy has a special place in his heart for all the lonelies out there:
I'm not a gamer. So if any of you ladies lose your boyfriend to GTA V on Tuesday and want a new one, I'm available. #WorthATry—
Tony Abalone (@_AHappyPlace) September 16, 2013
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