Recently TMZ reported that George Zimmerman wanted to participate in a celebrity boxing match and donate his earnings to charity. Zimmerman told TMZ that he would fight anyone… EVEN BLACK PEOPLE!

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News One reports that California Heavy Hitter, The Game, has accepted George Zimmerman‘s celebrity boxing challenge and has this to say…

“I would not be boxing for me. I’d be boxing for the legacy of Trayvon Martin and for his family,” The Game told TMZ.
“I would box him to knock him out…I would definitely take pleasure in it. It’s legal, and I want to show him you can solve your disputes without a weapon.”

In case you forgot George Zimmerman was acquitted after killing unarmed, black teenager, Trayvon Martin. Since the case Zimmerman has been in and out of the news and jail for domestic violence.

Has Zimmerman met his match? Tweet us @TheSource and tell us what do you think of The Game fighting George Zimmerman in a boxing match #GameVsZimmerman

If you want your shot in the boxing ring with George Zimmerman here’s your chance! Email to participate in Zimmerman’s celebrity boxing match.


Tennelle Swan (@LifeSoLavish)