
Last night ‘Brian‘ or The Governor turned back to his old self and terrorized the same group that rescued him and his new family. Here’s the Source’s top moments that reinforced the old sheriff is back in town!

1. While teaching Megan about life, he beats her in chess and tells her that she can’t think forever, sooner or later you have to make a move. Forget building a little girl’s confidence. The Gov has to win.

2. During a run with his new group the Governor viciously kills a female walker by bashing his brain in with a rock and rescues one of the members being attacked by repeatedly stabbing a walker in the brain. Oh yes, ‘Brian’ who? The Governor is back on duty.

3. The men of the group decides to take a break in a nearby cabin, Martinez tells the other guys that ‘Brian’ was like another person and had ‘ice in his veins’. ‘Brian’ didn’t look too amused.

4. During a friendly game of golf, Martinez tells the Governor how much he has changed and he couldn’t stand losing a new family again. The Governor answers him with a golf club to the head and drags him to the infamous walker pit where Martinez is eaten alive—head first.

5. The Gov notices another camp in the area and decides to rob them but Pete doesn’t want rob an innocent group so they leave only to discover later that someone else robbed the same camp instead. The Governor glares at Pete and makes his plan. The Gov is not into morals at all.

6. Back at the camp, ‘Brian’ instructs his new family they must leave because things are going to get bad at the camp. They pack up and hit the road only to be stopped by a barricade of walkers stuck in the road. The Gov exits the car to take a closer look and they all return back to the camp.

7. His plan to take over again is in effect as he kills Pete then threatens his brother to stay and lie about what happened to Pete. Afterwards, the Governor returns to his place of sanctity at the river where Pete is chained in the water kicking and grinding his teeth for human flesh.

8. Megan is enjoying a game of hide and seek as she runs into a walker who grabs her by the foot. Her aunt tries to rescue her by pulling the walker off the little girl only to end up with a decrepit decaying foot in her hand. The Gov kills the walker with one shot and decides his little girl needs a safer habitat.

9. Unbeknownst to the prison group, The Gov returns glaring at Michonne and Herschel who seem to be content and draws his gun.
What will happen next week during the mid-season finale?

Tune in to AMC TV’s ‘The Walking Dead’ Sunday at 9pm
