
The Walking Dead answered a few of our questions last night and confused us a little at the same time. Bob steps up in this episode and Daryl the hero loses Beth. Here’s the’s top moments from Episode 13!

1. The opening scene shows a flashback of Bob who after going through 2 groups finds himself alone. As he gives up hope drinking his life away he is discovered by Glenn and Daryl who decide to take him into their camp. In the event of a Zombie Apocalypse, I’m almost sure I wouldn’t be gung ho on sharing the last of our food. Daryl the hero!

2. Maggie, Sasha and Bob find themselves back to back fighting off walkers with just 6 bullets. After a near fatal attack from a walker, Maggie decides they should keep moving in search of Glenn. Not so sure we would be down to fight walkers in a thick fog where you can barely see!

3. Daryl and Beth continue on their journey as they stumble upon an empty house with a stocked cupboard of food—and some sort of funeral parlor in the basement. Even though there is no dust anywhere and the place is spotless, the two decide to wind down and take a break in their new surroundings. Not so sure we’d be down to meet the owner of this well kept post apocalypse home.

4. Maggie decides that Glenn is definitely on his way to Terminus and convinces Sasha and Bob to come along for the trip. After overhearing Sasha say that Glenn might be dead, she leaves the two alone to find her husband on her own. Go find your man Maggie, we’re not mad!

5. Daryl and Maggie share a moment and Beth announces that there are still good people in the world. She plays the piano and sings sweetly as Daryl watches. Not so sure we’d be down to play the piano and not hear intruders approaching the house.

6. Maggie continues by herself down the train tracks and decides to leave Glenn a message in walker blood. Finally someone using their head. Everyone approaches the same sign and no one decides to leave a message?

7. After P&J and pigs feet, Beth and Daryl let their guards down during a weird scene where Daryl and Beth seem to make a closer connection. Hearing the trap set off on the porch Daryl swings the door open without looking only to be swarmed by a group a walkers! Not so smart Daryl.

8. Daryl tells Beth to grab her bag and run and traps himself in the embalming basement as the walkers attack. Bad ass Daryl manages to escape and discovers Beth’s bag outside on the ground and a car speeding off into the night. We thought Daryl was the hero? :/

9. Sasha shows that she is fearful and doesn’t want to continue down the road. Bob kisses Sasha and goes off to find Maggie. Huh? After making a new spot to rest, Sasha discovers Maggie laying out on the ground near a group of walkers, they fight off the stampede and decide to continue down the road where they link back up with Bob. Can we just stick together during the apocalypse? Sheesh!

10. After running until the daylight, Daryl gives up and collapses on the ground and is discovered by Rick’s intruders who appear to be bad guys. Daryl stands his ground which they like and decides to join there group. No Daryl! Go to Terminus!

Tune in next week to AMC TV’s The Walking Dead at 9pm!
