Sochi-Olympics-2014-FlameEvery four years, the world comes together to celebrate the sports that can be played in the worst season: the Winter Olympics. This year’s ceremony is held in America’s arch rival’s winter paradise, Sochi, Russia. Previously little was known about the location, because like everything about the former Capital of Communism. It turns out that this venue actually houses some of the country’s most scenic, resort like Mountain ranges (the Caucasus Mountains), beautiful beaches that are most likely frozen over, and intimidating powerful architecture; not to mention, some of the best trash heaps seen on that side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Following the custom and tradition of previous Olympic Hosts, their preparation was behind schedule the entire time. As we speak (well technically you are reading this, unless you read aloud; if that’s you, homie its time you learn to read in your head bruh) there are still some facilities that are under construction. Providing basic needs, like electricity, to the region has become one of the most frustrating tasks for event organizers. Its also the most expensive Olympics in history.

If that wasn’t enough, a number of antiquated political moves have broken the typically unified, joyous feeling associated with the games. Including Russia’s recent law banning the promotion of homosexual relationships to minors; leading to a number of protests and boycotts from athletes all around the world. While that is terrible, there is more dangerous and violent situation happening at the same time. There have been multiple terrorist threats, specifically from jihadist involved with North Caucasus.

However, all of these negatives can’t stop the world from partying or curling. The torch has been lit and the opening ceremony is official over and done with, which means the games are in full swing. So we have compiled a list of events that should be on your radar. Let’s be honest, the lack of track & field means the Winter isn’t going to be as exciting as the Summer Games, but they still have a few standouts. Check them out below.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)