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Tila Tequila has thrown herself back in the mix with some crazy allegations about the death of Fast and furious star Paul Walker. The reality star shared her thoughts on his passing on her Facebook page.  She also spoke about her support of Nazism.

The 32-year-old tried linking the death of 21-year-old Canadian woman Elisa Lam with actor Walker’s fatal Nov. 30 car crash claiming they were both the victims of “ritualistic murder.” Tila Tequila has gone from reality star to private investigator   and said the following on Facebook.

“I know who killed Elisa Lam. The Mysterious Video of the Girl in Elevator who ended up ‘mysteriously dead’ at the bottom of a closed off water tank. I believe I am the only person on this entire planet who knows what happened,” she wrote. “I knew it the first time news of the strange video started circulating the internet weeks ago. I have just kept my mouth shut because there is a lot more to it and of course . . . cases like this . . . I just did not want to draw any attention to myself but I know exactly why they did it and yes it was indeed a ritualistic murder. Just like Paul Walker’s.”

“However, for Lam’s case I have so much detail that it may blow your mind,” she continued. “I know it blew my mind and that’s why I was debating on [whether] or not I should blog about it as I did not want to have anything to do with it . . . except for the fact that this ritual murder was directly linked to my ritual murder last year . . . So . . . kinda makes it hard for me to talk about, but . . .”

To add to the crazy theories she also added that she supports Adolf Hitler.  As the backlash came she backtracked to say

“I never said I hated anyone, but just because I fee sympathy, compassion, and forgiveness for others such as Hitler means I am now a monster? All for trying to open your eyes to the truth that Hitler was NOT as bad as he was painted out to be?”.

Apparently she’s not aware of the things Hitler has done and this has to be some form of publicity stunt to get back in the limelight or some kind of early April fools joke.