Today's Mathematics

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom, which is the consistent flow of mathematics in its most intelligent form. It is the activation of the Knowledge that one possesses and is a manifestation of God that is shown and proven through one’s wise words, ways, and actions. It is pure kinetic energy that serves as proof that one’s Knowledge is accurate and has purpose.

As we swiftly move into the second quarter of 2013, we continue to see the gun violence that is saturating society without boundaries. Just this past weekend, another Texas district attorney, Mike McLelland and his wife Cynthia, were shot and killed, the second district attorney in Texas to be killed at home within the past two months. It has been alleged that the Aryan Brotherhood could be responsible for those shootings. When there are people willing to end the lives of those execute the law and authority in our society, our daily lives are guaranteed to take on a differ dynamic. When you are Black or Latino in America, that dynamic intensifies. Senator Eric Adams(D-Brooklyn) stepped up the ante in the war against NYPD’s ‘Stop & Frisk‘ policies, stating that Commissioner Ray Kelly admitted to “wanting to instill the fear in them(Blacks and Latinos) that every time they left their homes that they would be targeted by the police.” With officers offering their personal testimonies about racist and corrupt practices of some of their own who have taken an oath to allegedly protect the people.

The violence against each other cannot be ignored nor swept under the rug, however, must be addressed in a much wiser manner than just jailing the culprits. Raquel Carr, a four year old girl was shot dead yesterday in Miami, possibly by another child that was sitting in the car with her that had access to a weapon while in the vehicle. 20 year old up and coming rapper Kenneth “Nu Money” Casilla was shot and killed while sitting in a car in Miami with two other people, yet he was the only victim. 19 year old William Strickland of Chicago shot and killed his grandfather with the same name, robbed him, then bought sneakers, a cell phone,and tattoos. When children have the propensity to commit and become victims of such ruthless violence, the cause of these actions must be sought along with figuring out appropriate corrections. Prisons are big business and regardless to what is said about starting over after paying your debt to society, that debt is paid for the rest of your life and you rarely, if ever, get a second chance. The Guns 4 Greatness program in Brooklyn at the Christian Cultural Center facilitated by Blue Williams along with The Source is a wise step in the right direction in giving some incentive to dealing with this nationwide dilemma.

Wisdom is the way to make your Knowledge Understood to those around you. What a person says and does is the most practical evidence of what’s on their mind. When all we celebrate, speak on, and act in accordance to is violence, then how can we expect society to reflect anything otherwise? No longer can we blame the violence on religious terrorists since we see that this epidemic is homegrown. The mentality of violence must be uprooted before the seeds of love, peace, and happiness can be planted and yield productive fruit in the future. Peace!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)