the-notebook-202x300In case you’re on a budget this Valentine’s Day, stop by your local Redbox or hop on Netflix, call your boo over and pop in one of these flicks. These films are sure to put love in the air and set the mood for your romantic evening. Thank us later.

1. The Notebook – An epic love story about two young lovers who are separated during World War II and are passionately reunited seven years later.

2. Titanic – A young girl boards the ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic and quickly falls in love with a poor artist. The two are forever torn apart when disaster hits.

3. Love Jones – A chain of romantic complications spring up when a talented photographer and a poet are caught at a fork in the road: just kicking it or falling in love.

4. How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days – An advertising executive plans to sweep a magazine journalist off of her feet after taking up a bet that he could make a woman fall in love with him in ten days.

5. Brown Sugar – Two lifelong friends with a passion for hip-hop find themselves falling for one another after a couple bad run-ins with love.

-Erika Benton-Martin (@leftcoast_rika)