Steve Stoute Insert

VH1 takes an in-depth look at how hip hop became a dominant force in American culture with the documentary series “The Tanning Of America: One Nation Under Hip Hop”.

Another hip hop documentary is on the way, courtesy of the Emmy award winning Roc Doc franchise. VH1 is developing a four-part series based on former artist manager, advertising executive, and rap music insider Steve Stoute’s The Tanning of America: How Hip-Hop Created a Culture That Rewrote the Rules of the New Economy. The book is a historical account of hip hop’s rise in the marketing world and an examination of how a more diverse culture is changing the way businesses connect with consumers.

This very special four-part series will include interviews with everyone from Diddy and Pharrell to Al Sharpton and Cory Booker. The docu-series will be led by acclaimed filmmakers Billy Corben and Alfred Spellman (“Cocaine Cowboys,” “Broke,” “The U”) and is set to premier in February of 2014.

And through those engaging and intimate first person stories, Tanning will take viewers where they’ve never been before: inside a steamy Madison Square Garden, when Russell Simmons cut a deal with Adidas sneakers during a Run DMC concert…inside the Harvard dorm room where two white Jewish kids decide to start this very publication -> The Source Magazine…inside the car of fashion icon Tommy Hilfiger, as he drives through the streets of Harlem finding inspiration in baggy jeans…to the streets of Paris as Diddy takes over Europe for a Vogue fashion shoot…to a New York music studio where Mariah Carey collaborates with O.D.B, forever fusing pop and hip hop; and with Dr. Dre as he first hears a rapper who calls himself Eminem.

Stay tuned for future updates on this eye-opening documentary to come.

– Scott Randell (@DefinedByMvsic)