Vic Mensa Disclosure "When A Fire Starts To Burn" Cover ArtVic Mensa, who will be in NYC next week (Tuesday feb 18th) to headline Hot 97′s next “Whos Next” event at SOBS‘s drops a bunch of equal parts lyrically sick & swagged out bars over English funky electro pop group Disclosure’s “When A Fire Starts To Burn”.  This track is satisfying on so many levels, not only does it finally give us a track merging Vic with a group who he toured with for a good portion of last year; but it also finally provides fans of the Disclosure track who have been yearning for someone to kill this beat properly since its release.

After gaining heavy momentum via EP’s and one off’s Disclosure made waves last year with their Island Def Jam debut Settle which managed the very tricky feat of being successful and also very highly acclaimed, with the album making many top 10 lists of 2013.  Although the group is by no means a hip hop act you can definitely see the connections, Vic even told Sway In The Morning that he felt Disclosure was basically sped up J. Dilla beats.  

Recently Disclosure  collaborated with current Unsigned Hype in this months issues of The Source Magazine Bishop Neruh for the song “yo you stressin”, as well as having Mary J. Blige perform the song “F For You with them at a recent concert at Terminal 5 in New York, where Mensa & Neruh also opened for them.

The song also alludes to a possible Save Money album in June ”

Spencer @sjeezs