
New York magazine’s culture and entertainment site announced their lineup for the Vulture Festival. It is a series of events celebrating the best of today’s television, music, films, and more. The two day long festival will start on May 10th and finish the next day (May 11th). It will be held at Milk Studios, NYC.

It looks like M.I.A and Solange will be performing at the concert at Webster Hall. You also have other big names to look forward to like Billy Eichner, Mike Birbiglia, Abbi Jacobson & Ilana Glazer (Broad City), and Jessica Williams (Daily Show) for the Comedy Night. Jenny Gering (The Americans), Jenn Rogien (Girls), Tom Broeckner (House of Cards, Saturday Night Live), and Lyn Paolo (Scandal) will join the art of costume design. Sunday brunch performance includes Rufus Wainwright. Trivia night will be hosted by Dave Holmes featuring cast members from Orange Is the New Black versus special guests.  Animated voices from Bob’s Burgers, Archer, and more read classic movie scenes. Artist crawl with New York magazine senior art critic Jerry Saltz, presented by Persol. David Milch on Deadwood and the art and business of television writing, in conversation with New York TV critic Matt Zoller Seitz. If you’re in the city this is one event you do not want to miss.