
It’s always worse when it could have been prevented.

Another family lost a son yesterday. Carl Richardson, 19, was stabbed to death because of a debt owed to him by an employee of  Laurelton barbershop Select Stylez. Wednesday afternoon Richardson sold a pair of bluetooth headphones to Cedric Simpson, 34, for around $40-$50, and they decided amongst one another that he would come back Thursday to retrieve the money for them.  No one knew, sadly, that he’d soon become another victim in what seems to be a string of senseless murders over material objects.

When Simpson decided to both not hand over the money or give the headphones back to Richardson, a fight ensued between the two that was broken up by several employees & customers on the scene. Simpson then stabbed him several times in the torso with a pair of barber scissors, and shortly after 2 p.m. Richardson was pronounced dead at Franklin Hospital in Long Island. Simpson was charged with second-degree murder and fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon.


The Brookville teen went to Nassau Community College, where he studied to become an occupational therapist. He leaves behind a heart-stricken family and girlfriend.

“He was so focused on being successful,” says his 18-year-old girlfriend, Sheneque Mardner.  ”He was the first person I met who actually sat down with me and wanted to talk about and plan a future. What we were going to do, what houses we were going to buy. I just thought Carl was an amazing person.”

Source: NY Daily News/Facebook

-Kairi C. (@_findingforever)