The ultimate mix of Shakespeare and American History


If you’re familiar with Shakespeare’s tragedies, then you know the story of “Othello”, the man who let the words of others cloud his judgment of the love of his life.  Now imagine the story playing out in 1982, when the Black Panther movement was coming to an end.

That’s what went down within the walls of the Nuyorican Café this past weekend. With a cast of 31 strong and few “stage props”, “Othello, The Panther” effectively moved an audience of viewers three times in under three hours.

Written & directed by Rajendra Ramoon Maharaj, the tragedy of Othello was brought to life and dedicated to the late Amiri Baraka, who was also a Black Panther. Kena Anae, Jonas Earl, Nathaniel Ryan and Kaitlyn Schirard led the diverse cast in their last show.

The story began in Oakland, California in 1982 as Othello (Anae) was crowned as the leader of the Oakland chapter after marrying his caucasian lover Desdemona (Schirard). His frienemy Iago (Earl) ends up convincing Othello that his girl was unfaithful with his prodigy Cassio  (Ryan).

The play was filled with original music and choreography that successfully told the tragedy that inevitably led to Othello slaying the love of his life, then taking his own. The show was amazing and for those who witnessed it can vote for it for the New York Innovative Theatre Awards.

Power to the people!

Tony Centeno (@_tonyMC)