sex, america, longest, shortest, statesTracking all the work we put in here in America

There has been a huge increase in human beings tracking their behavior. Apps like FitBit which you can use before a jog and the Sleep Cycle app to track your sleep history and patterns have all become more and more popular as we move further into a world where we have access right in our fingertips.

In attempt to capture more insight into how humans interact, The Spreadsheets App allows researchers to quantify our sex lives as well. The app uses your phone’s accelerometer and speakers to provide statistical feedback about your duration, thrusts, and decibel peak, and creates statistical and informative charts about our bedroom behavior.

“Spreadsheets was created to approach sex in a way that is both light-hearted and improvement oriented,” says Danny Wax, Co-founder of the app. “We wanted to create an app that entices users to have some fun with their partner and share in that afterglow experience, while encouraging open dialog and feedback.”

The company Spreadsheets shared the data of its 10,000 early adopters and created the table you see below. Check out the averaging of the intercourse time of all users in the United States (the app doesn’t cover foreplay). You’ll be shocked at the numbers.


states, longest, shortest, sex, time, duration, america

1. New Mexico – (7:01)

2. West Virginia – (5:38)

3. Idaho – (5:11)

4. South Carolina – (4:48)

5. Missouri – (4:22)

6. Michigan -(4:14)

7. Utah – (3:55)

8. Oregon – (3:51)

9. Nebraska – (3:47)

10. Alabama – (3:38)

11. Delaware – (3:33)

12. Hawaii – (3:28)

13. Wisconsin – (3:22)

14. North Dakota – (3:18)

15. Arizona – (3:17)

16. Maryland – (3:15)

17. Mississippi – (3:10)

18. Rhode Island – (3:09)

19. Connecticut – (3:07)

20. Texas – (3:06)

21. New Hampshire – (3:04)

22. Wyoming – (3:03)

23. New York – (3:01)

24. Pennsylvania – (2:58)

25. Maine – (2:58)

26. Washington – (2:51)

27. Iowa – (2:50)

28. Illinois – (2:49)

29. North Carolina – (2:47)

30. Tennessee – (2:46)

31. Kansas – (2:38)

32. California – (2:38)

33. Massachusetts – (2:31)

34. Florida – (2:29)

35. New Jersey – (2:28)

36. Indiana – (2:26)

37. Virginia – (2:23)

38. Oklahoma – (2:21)

39. Colorado – (2:21)

40. Minnesota – (2:19)

41. Ohio – (2:18)

42. Louisiana – (2:17)

43. Kentucky – (2:14)

44. Arkansas – (2:08)

45. District of Columbia – (2:08)

46. Nevada – (2:07)

47. Georgia – (2:07)

48. Montana – (2:03)

49. Vermont – (1:48)

50. South Dakota – (1:30)

51. Alaska – (1:21)