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Chris Rock, during one of his comedy specials, once shared a prison story that he’d seen on an HBO show. In the story, a prisoner explained how a new inmate could get his hands on drugs. To say the least, the road to getting high in prison was not easy.

Every man knows that if he goes to prison he could be raped. No matter how many civil rights lawsuits are filed by the ACLU, no matter how many laws are enacted to protect the butthole none of it matters. When you’re in the darkest corner of the kitchen and Officer Takingbribes quietly turns his back you’re done. It’s over.

But there’s still a code in prison. And some inmates have it worse than others based on their offenses. One of those offenses is pedophilia. Inmates, in general, no likey.

It could be because many of them were molested and it warped their minds into the crime-ridden lives they lead now. They may just find it distasteful. Who know? These men and women are, for the most part, rife with personal and emotional issues.

James Randall was locked up for what appears to be a long time when he was given a cell mate with a history for abusing children. Mr. Randall, in a rage, took it upon himself to punish his new cellmate. You might wanna turn the speakers down on this one.

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