Screen Shot 2013-07-02 at 12.08.04 PMYoung Money princess Shanell started her career as a back-up dancer for other singers in music videos. As her career grew she then moved in to writing material for hiphop and R&B’s biggest names such as JayZ, NeYo, Beyoncé, Melanie Fiona, Kelis, Jennifer Hudson and Usher. The singer/song-writer/dancer is back on the scene releasing her latest EP Midnight Mimosa giving fans a taste  of her girly side. Take a look at the exclusive interview below and be sure to download her latest tape, Midnight Mimosa.

Q. What does Midnight Mimosa mean to you? 
A. Midnight Mimosa is the more softer side of Shanell, I’ve been known to I don’t know if I want to call it male basher thats what guys will call it, but to speak the truth on the side of women, Midnight Mimosa is more of the girlfriend than the party side of Shanell.

Q.What message are you trying to send to your fans off this EP?
A. It’s not really a message it’s more like giving them a feeling, feels good r&b music, its talking about relationships and dedicating a moment to a guy, setting that mood.

Q. At what point of your life did you feel your career jump start?
A. One of the most memorable moments was the first time I ever performed at a stadium started off as a dancer on these huge stages but was never vocal it was all movement so once I was handed a mic and my voice was ringing through a big stadium I was like okay this is real. I was dancing for different artists from Ne-yo lloyd, and The Game. I used to tour a lot.

Q. Are you all for women empowerment?
A. Very much so, I seen and learned a lot from talking to my fans on Twitter and Instagram and I just see a lot of young girls who are looking for someone to look up to or someone to tell them how to make the decisions that their making in their lives, I’m just hoping to set the best example with out being fake and corny to young girls and just empowering them on their thought, letting them know you might mess up you might make your own decision but you need to learn from it and live your life and enjoy it, enjoy yourself don’t beat yourself up.

Q. How is it to work in an industry that’s mainly male dominated? Is it harder as a women?
A. Oh yeah definitely, we hear that all the time, women sound like a broken record saying “Oh men make it so hard for us” but it is the truth, until we start coming together and help bring more women into positions where we won’t have to say that anymore, I’m one person that is trying to make that change I try to help a lot female artists coming up in the game and try to give them a shot.

Q. Did writing music for Lil Wayne help you succeed as a song writer?
A. I’ve written for a lot of artists and worked with a lot of producers behind the scenes in the consumers eyes that was the biggest look that I got and it made me work harder to get more looks like that just having the biggest rapper in the game  who wanted to sing one of my songs was great.

Q. Did you write all of your songs from Midnight Mimosa?
A. I wrote and collaborated with other writers that I thought was really dope and who are on the come up in Atlanta. FKI and Key Cal are producers that work really really hard in Atlanta and I’m giving them a chance to showcase their work.

Q. If you were to choose one song out of the whole EP which on will it be?
A. The one that I listen to the most is actually  “Show Me” I think I’m talking some real shit, us women want to know how much it means to you with us holding you down, I ilke the beat, the beat is crazy, FKI are wonderful producers, that’s the song that I find myself with my girls dancing to it in the club or dancing to in the car haha.

Q. Tell me one artist that has inspired you as a child and through out your career?
A. I would say, Madonna, she’s been truly honest with her femininity and her music,she’s direct and straight to the point and unapologetic.. she’s a dancer, she’s a performer, she’s an actress she does it all, I came up dancing first when I was in school for the music, to me a full artist is someone who writes and delivers their own message and can be a triple threat.

Q. If there were any advise you would give to an upcoming artist what will it be?
A. Be your biggest fan, you can’t depend on nobody else you have to be the person that believes in yourself and know what your doing,

Q. May we expect a future album or new projects you may have lined up that fans should be aware of?
A. Definitely look out for me on the tour that’s coming up with Wayne, T. I. and 2 Chainz I will be traveling with the country with them, the follow up to Midnight Mimosa is Nobody’s Bitch, Vol. 2 that will be coming soon.

Pinky (@pinky_mccoy)