Posted by Charles Fisher and Randy Fisher (Twitter @HHSYC)

Zackrey Ceasar / REG Question & Answer Interview for the Source Magazine online

REG Zack Ceasar

REG CEO Zackrey Ceasar

Q—Where were you born and now reside?

A—Born in Monroe, LA — I now reside in Atlanta, GA.

Q—Tell me about the Revolutionary Entertainment Group and the various divisions you operate?

A—Revolutionary Entertainment Group, LLC (REG) is a multi-media entertainment company with a few divisions including Recording, Television Network, Film, and Talent & Modeling.  We also have the REG Foundation.  Our mission is to bring hot new talent to the world via television, music, film, and modeling.  We will produce quality programming that offers enjoyable entertainment to our viewers.  The REG Foundation will support positive causes with a focus on children and families in need.

Q—I heard you do some acting; how did you get into the Hollywood game and what are your thoughts about the film industry?

A—I started working in the entertainment business at the tender age of 8 years old acting in Community Theater productions in churches, schools etc.  I kicked off my acting career by earning a role in The System Within’s film called “The Stick Up Kids” directed by legendary actor/director Hawthorne James starring celebrities like Tariq Alexander, Mel Jackson and Bryce Wilson.

Q—What are your goals in the entertainment industry and your personal life?

A—My goal in the entertainment business is to build a successful company over the next 5 years and one day be compared to the likes of Mr. Rupert Murdoch, Mr. Bob Johnson and Mr. Ted Turner, who I respect for their achievements.  My personal goal is to become a better God-fearing man, husband and leader of my household, as well as my community.  I want to be an inspiration to those aspiring to achieve their personal and business goals in life.

REG artist B.A.M

REG artist B.A.M

Q—Let’s talk about some of the artists that you working with?

A—REG Records artist DeTimmeyon “B.A.M” Williams is a Hip-Hop artist from Monroe, Louisiana.  I asked B.A.M what was his reason for wanting to become a professional recording artist, he replied “I needed an outlet to escape reality and instead of acting out, I would write it out and put it on paper and from paper to a song to share with the world.”  While at a recording session I was extremely impressed with B.A.M’s lyrics, delivery, and way with words and signed him to REG Records.  He is scheduled to release his first studio album titled “Before & After Music” mid 2014.  He currently has a mixtape out entitled “The Day After Me” that can be downloaded from our site at and from

Q—I heard you and your artists will be involved with the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council and their Hip-Hop 4 Peace and Prosperity Project.  Can you tell me why you are getting involved?  Have you selected a song yet?  If so, can you tell me about it? 

A—REG decided to get involved with the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council and the Hip-Hop 4 Peace and Prosperity Project for many reasons but just to name a few, Hip-Hop has had such a bad image for many years as gangsters, pimps, and drug dealers until the point where I could not wait to find an opportunity to help bring Hip-Hop back to its roots, which is to educate and create opportunities for the urban and Hip-Hop communities.  I also lost my father (Darnell Wyatt) to gang violence along with many others and because of that I would love to get involved with Hip-Hop and improving our communities.  B.A.M will be working on a track entitled “MLK,” which basically stands for Martin Luther King, to encourage Hip-Hop, our communities and the youth in the ways that MLK did, to be peaceful and fight wars with your minds and not with the gun.

Q—What hot projects are you working on in Music, Film and Television?

Zack Ceasar BAM

B.A.M and Zack performing

A—REG is currently working on many projects such as B.A.M.’s debut album “Before & After Music” along with submitting a song for the Hip-Hop 4 Peace & Prosperity CD project.  REG Films is going into pre-production for a documentary series called “In My Own Words” that will be aired on our television network SpokenWord TV, which leads into our television projects.  REG Networks is in partnership with OpenVision Networks, a global (Open) television distribution system where you can enjoy ‘cable-like’ service worldwide on your broadband connected device.  We will be launching our first television network called SpokenWord TV that will focus on the art of the spoken word through poetry, films, music and art.  We are currently going into pre-production for our first major television reality show called “The Last Poets” which is an American Idol style type of show for poets.  Stay tuned for more details.

Q—Are you or your Foundation working on any projects that address the social needs of the community?

A—We will be launching our “Feed The Hungry” campaign, which goes out into the streets and provides food and necessities to the less fortunate.  We will also create a motivational speech tour and go out and speak to all of the High Schools and Colleges about becoming self-thinking successful young innovators of the future.

BAM and Zack Ceasar

B.A.M and Zackrey

Q—How hard is it for a young man like you to succeed in business today?

A—It’s hard as a young man because of the level of respect that you have to gain from the heavy hitters and competition.  Imagine walking into a room full of successful conservative businessmen and women of all races and in comes a young southern black aspiring entrepreneur from an urban community claiming to want to start a business.  Most people would not and have not taken me serious until they see the level of hard work that I put into becoming a better entrepreneur, leader and person overall.  But regardless, I have always been the type of person to expect anything from no one but myself and prove anything to no one but myself with God in the front and my actions will speak for me.

Q—Can you offer some words of wisdom to those looking to start their own business?

A—Understand that everyone has dreams, goals and even fears.  But the ones that are truly successful are the ones who believe their dreams can become reality, set goals and never give up on them no matter how afraid you are of responsibility, failure and defeat.  When it comes to your future, always be up for the challenge.


REG Co-Founder Y President of REG Talent & Modelling Agency Angel Ceasar

Q—How does someone get in touch with you if they want to know more about you company or your many projects?

A—Feel free to visit our website at and contact us by our social websites at Facebook: Revolutionary Entertainment Group LLC and on twitter: @REGLLC.


We want to applaud REG for the tireless work they are doing to provide jobs, training and opportunities for young people.  It is not easy for a 26 year old to succeed in business so we take our hats off to Zackrey for his commitment to business and the positive development of his community.  It is important for us to support young citizens who are bold enough to except the challenges that others are to afraid to meet.  Our young people today need positive role models like Zackrey who can inspire them to chase their dreams and work hard to succeed in life.  We will do whatever we can to help Zackrey and other young citizens achieve their business goals as well. For more information on REG or how start and/or build your own business hit us up at

  REGlogo1REG Records Logo



REG Agency
