snoop-dogg-smokingThe battle for marijuana legalization is being fought on all fronts by pro-cannabis activists…and they’re winning. Every few weeks there’s another announcement eroding the reputation of the federal government’s dysfunctional War On Drugs. Law enforcement officials, politicians and social activists are joining in the efforts and gaining ground in their efforts to bring the green.

And now, you can add physicians to the list.

Doctors were polled by the New England Journal Of Medicine and presented with a hypothetical case of a 68 year old woman with cancer in her spine, lungs and chest. There were over 1,400 doctors from 72 different countries and 56 states and provinces in North America who were asked if they’d recommend marijuana for this hypothetical patient to ease her symptoms. About 76% of them said ‘yes.’

The New England Journal Of Medicine is one of the most prestigious medical journals of our time and has just celebrated its 200th birthday last year. There is no doubt as to the methodology or reliability of the data surveyed here. For one of the first times ever, doctors would be willing to put marijuana in the hands of a suffering patient.

Currently, 18 states allow for the usage of medical marijuana and two of them, Washington and Colorado, allow it for non-medical (read: party time!) usage as well. As the wall between legislators and citizens continue to fall over the issue of recreational marijuana usage you can be assured that more data will continue to support their cause.