Her Source bookclub looks at Lost And Found: Finding HOPE In The Detours Of Life By Sarah Jakes
Sarah Jakes Book-The Source

Lost and Found : Finding HOPE In The Detours Of Life is written by Sarah Jakes.

The book is about the life of Sarah Jakes and how like many young adults lost their way but throughout it all she still was able to put her trust into GOD. The foreword is told by her father Bishop T.D. Jakes. I had the opportunity to sit down with the author about writing the book and she wasn’t afraid to tell her life as she revealed to me that she was had her son when she was 14.

Reading the book, it gave me a clear understanding of who she really is and let’s just say that being a preacher’s daughter is not what it cracked up to be. Just like all kids, she also made some mistakes in her past but she was able to forgive herself and loved herself. In the book, there is a quote that stood out to me I was a diamond covered in soot, dirt, disappointment and fear, but my mother wanted to remind me that it was still possible for me to my sparkle because I knew what it felt like to have people trying to take advantage and bully me but guess what I came out winning in the end.

I love this book so much I could read it over and over again. I believe she is a true example of what it means to overcome judgment by people because she’s a pastor’s daughter and being a teenage mom. This time around, she did things her own way as she got married and had her daughter. By writing this book, she was able to vent out her frustration that she had deep down inside. Always remember never judge a book by it’s cover.

Her book is in stores now and follow her on Twitter & Instagram at @SarahDJakes

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)